St. Olaf Garden Research and Organic Works

The 2006 season!

Greetings from the overwintering STOGROWers! Last summer we got a bit drawn in by the busyness of the season (and weren't all that interested in staring at a computer screen!) so our blog fell by the wayside. However, the rest of the season was incredibly successful, but that story will be told another day. These days we're looking forward to the upcoming season!

Big news! We've just hired our two apprentices for the summer, Heidi and Moe. Dan and I were looking for a couple of folks who were dedicated to carrying on STOGROW after we graduated, and both Heidi and Moe are smart, thinking long term. The four of us have already had a big planning meeting with Pete Sandberg about future relocation and expansion plans and are looking forward to meeting with Peter Abrahamson and Katie McKenna, the folks at Bon Appetit, to strategize about which veggies to grow this summer.

Check back for the complete Season 1 story soon as well as Season 2 updates. Until then, contact us with any questions at!